Monday 26 September 2011

Our new franchise

Why juices?

There are many reasons why you should juice. We have picked out the main reasons below:
  • Fresh juice provides minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids, carbohydrates, proteins and antioxidant phytochemicals, all of which are vital to maintaining good health.
  • Juicing can help you absorb all available nutrients from fruits and vegetables.
  • It is easier to drink more fruit and vegetables than you can eat. In our Healthy berry there are 4 apples 10 raspberries, half a banana and 20 blueberries!
  • The breakdown and absorption of nutrients is slowed down and even blocked by an excess of fibre naturally present in fruits and vegetables. However, at the same time these fibres contain many healthy nutrients as well. Although some of our products are juiced which takes out the fibre, the majority of our fruits actually still contain fibre in the drinks (e.g. pears, strawberries and blueberries to name a few).
  • Juicing makes it quicker and easier for the body to assimilate nutrients as it doesn't need to break down the fibres in the fruits or vegetables.
  • Live foods are superior to cooked or processed foods because they contain active enzymes. These help break down foods in the digestive tract, thus sparing the body's valuable digestive enzymes. This allows vital energy in the body to be shifted from digestion to other body functions such as repair, maintenance and resistance.
  • Juicing has been used for detoxification and healing for millennia. The result of inner cleanliness is glowing skin, shining hair, fresh breath, a digestive tract that works efficiently, fewer colds and flu, and healthy gums and teeth.
  • A diet high in fruits and vegetables can prevent or cure a wide range of ailments due to the high levels of vitamins, minerals and plant chemicals.
  • Healthy Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Juice tastes great!
Why should my juice be fresh and not purchased pre-packed?
  • There are many commercial bottled juices available, why not drink those? The problem with commercial juices is that they are pasteurized (heat treated) which destroys live enzymes and valuable nutrients, especially the B vitamins, and vitamins A, C and E. Pasteurisation is good for retail outlets, as juices will have a longer shelf life. They are not ideal for consumer health because of the loss of nutrients and enzymes. If your juice isn’t freshly made to order, you can be sure it is pasteurised.
When you visit a Healthy fresh juice bar you know that you are drinking fresh, raw, unheated juice made to order It contains neither preservatives, nor added sugar nor artificial flavours, and it is low fat. You have control over the quality of the fruits and vegetables you are consuming. It’s simply ‘NATURE IN A CUP’.

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